Data attributes are the Object IDs assigned to an object when it is digitized. In this way, you associate data with an object, such as assigning a well name to a point or assigning a sample datum value (such as contamination, elevation, assay) to a point. When you digitize an object, you can assign the object IDs to the digitized object. In Didger, objects can have more than 256 different IDs.
The Data Attributes section of the Property Manager
displays all of the IDs associated with the selected object.
By default, there are four IDs associated with every object. Each ID can either be a descriptive name or a data value. The four default IDs are Primary, Secondary, Tertiary, and Quaternary.
Additional IDs can be listed here if other IDs have been defined in the project. This can occur when you import a file with other IDs or if you have selected the Map | Data | Edit Attribute Fields and added additional IDs.
The Increment Settings section contains options to set multiple object properties at once, when creating the objects.
The Increment Settings section of the Property Manager
is only available when creating objects.
The Enter Data After Creation check box lets you digitize objects first, and then enter the IDs for the object immediately after it is created. For example, if you are digitizing a point, you can click the point on the tablet and the Enter Object Data dialog is displayed. Enter the IDs you want to associate with the point and click OK. The IDs are associated with the point.
The auto increment settings are useful for automatically assigning sequential Primary IDs to several objects you might digitize during a session. For example, you might have several sample locations with sequential numbering (MW-1, MW-2, MW-3, etc.) that you want to digitize. Check the Auto Increment box to enable automatic numbering of multiple created objects.
Once the Auto Increment option is checked, the Starting Increment Value, Ending Increment Value, Increment Value, ID Prefix, and ID Suffix options become available. The Starting Increment Value is the first value to use for the Primary ID. The Ending Increment Value is the last value to use for the Primary ID. The Increment Value is the value added to the Primary ID between the sequential points. The ID Prefix is the static text placed at the beginning of each sequential ID. The ID Suffix is the static text placed at the end of each sequential ID. The ID Prefix and ID Suffix are optional. Automatic numbering continues until the Ending Increment Value is reached.
To change any of the values, highlight the existing value and type a new value. The Starting Increment Value, Ending Increment Value, and Increment Value must be numbers.
The Create Several check box lets you digitize any number of objects in succession without choosing the digitize command each time. This option is especially helpful when you are digitizing several objects of the same type. For example, if you are digitizing several points you should activate this option.
You can use the Enter Data After Creation and Create Several check boxes in conjunction. For example, if you are digitizing several points, each with different IDs, you can check both options. Click the first point, enter the data in the Enter Object Data dialog, and click OK. Draw the next point, enter the IDs, and continue the procedure until you have digitized all the points. Press ESC on the keyboard or Finish on the tablet pointer (set with the Button Settings command) when you are done to end drawing mode.
See Also
Digitizing Several Objects with Different IDs