Download Online Maps

Click the Image | Download Online Maps command to open the Download Online Maps dialog. This dialog allows you to download data or maps from any web mapping server (WMS). Images can be downloaded from any of the existing servers or new servers can be added to the list.


Set the image properties in the Download Online Maps dialog.


Data Source

In the Select Data Source section, click the to open a section. The arrow turns black when a section is opened. Available options include Imagery, U.S. Data, Worldwide Data, and Favorites.


Server Information

To see additional options for a specific server, right-click in the Select Data Source section on the existing data source name, such as NAIP Color Imagery for US layer.

Right-click on the layer name to see the URL for the

layer or additional information about the layer.


To view the data source for any predefined server, right-click on the predefined server name and select View. The View Data Source dialog allows predefined web server URLs to be edited. This may be useful if the location for the server changes.


To view information about the server, right-click on the server name and select Info. The Server Information dialog displays the results of attempting to connect to the server.


Server layer lists are saved to a cache in Didger. This reduces the load time for the Select Data Source list. If the server has ever been contacted, the cache of layer names and information is created. To reload a server's layer list, right-click on the server name and select Reload. The program goes out to the server and checks for all layer names and loads all names. This is saved to the cache.


Layer Information

To view information about the specific layer, right-click on the layer name and select Info. The Layer Information dialog displays information such as the minimum scale, height or width, layer name and title. None of the options are editable.


To copy the server and layer name, right-click on the layer name and select Copy to Clipboard. You can then paste the text to any text editor, word processing program, or to the Didger window. The pasted information includes the name of the server, the server location, the layer title and layer name selected.


Favorites Section

To add any layer to the Favorites section, right-click on the layer name and select Favorites. Any server from the Imagery, U.S. Data, or Worldwide Data section can be added to the Favorites. Only the selected layer is added to the favorites. Other layers from the same server are not added.


To remove any layer from the Favorites section, right-click on the layer name in the Favorites section and click Remove Favorite. Click Yes in the dialog to remove the layer from the Favorites. Click No in the dialog to keep the layer in the Favorites. Removing the layer from the Favorites section does not remove the server and layer from the Imagery, U.S. Data, or Worldwide Data section.


Adding New Data Sources

To add additional data sources to the list, right-click on the white space in the Select Data Source section. Select Add to open the Add Data Source dialog. Set the Name and URL to the new web mapping service. Click Next and the web server can be tested. If the test is successful, click Finish and the new web mapping service is added to the Select Data Source list. If the test is not successful, click Back and edit the URL. After the new server is added to the Select Data Source list, the list is alphabetized.


All custom data sources are saved to an INI file, allowing multiple Golden Software programs to use the custom definitions. The INI file is located at C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Golden Software\Shared\Geode.ini. The file can be copied from one computer to another to share custom data sources between multiple computers and users.


Editing Custom Data Sources

To edit the data source for any custom server, right-click on the custom server name and select Edit. The Edit Data Source dialog allows custom web server Name and URLs to be edited. This may be useful if the location for the server changes or if the name listed in the Download Online Maps dialog should be changed.


To view information about the server, right-click on the server name and select Info. The Server Information dialog displays the results of attempting to connect to the server.


Deleting Custom Data Sources

To delete a custom server from the Select Data Source list, right-click on the server name and select Delete. In the Delete Data Source dialog, click Yes to delete the server. Click No to keep the server in the Select Data Source list.


Select Area to Download

The Select Area to Download section controls the areal extent of the image being downloaded. Available options are Entire data source extents, Within XX units of Longitude X Latitude Y, or Specify Latitude/Longitude extents. Click on the desired option to select it.


Select the extents of the image to download in the Select Area to Download section.


The Entire data source extents reads all of the data on the specified server. All of the data is downloaded in the single image. With servers that cover large areas, this option is not recommended because even at high resolutions, very little detail will appear on the downloaded map.


The Within XX units of Longitude X Latitude Y option allows a single longitude and latitude value to be entered. A square area is downloaded based on the XX value and the units option. The square is centered on the value entered for the Longitude and Latitude. To use this option, enter valid values in each box.


The downloaded area will be 25 miles wide and 25 miles tall. The image will be

centered on the longitude and latitude location of -105.220139, 39.753304.


The Specify Latitude/Longitude extents option allows a rectangular area to be input in latitude and longitude coordinates. When adding a new online map image to an existing map with a defined coordinate system, this option is automatically selected. The boxes are filled in with the project limits. After selecting this option,

The downloaded area will cover from -105.5 to -105

degrees longitude and 39.25 to 40.75 degrees latitude.


Select Image Resolution to Download

The Select Image Resolution to Download section controls the quality of the image being downloaded. Drag the slider to the right to increase the image resolution. The farther to the right the slider is located, the better the resolution and the larger the image. Clicking on one of the lines on the left side of the slider will normally download a map of sufficient quality that is smaller in size. The larger the file size, the longer the image will take to process and the more memory the program will use to manipulate the image.  If N/A is displayed or no size information is displayed, the image cannot be downloaded at the requested resolution. Change the resolution by moving the slider to select a different size image.


Set the image quality by dragging the slider to the right or left. Setting the

slider to the far left side downloads a small map with less resolution. Setting

the slider to the far right side downloads a very large map with

very fine resolution. This should only be used for small areas.


Image Preview

The Preview section displays a picture of the area to be downloaded. The image quality is controlled by the Select Image Resolution to Download. The Preview section contains a low resolution preview of the area.


The Preview window displays the area to download,

buttons to zoom in/out, pan, or change the download area, a map scale,

and the coordinates of map cursor.


Note: The selected server may have an original data source resolution (for example, 1 meter/pixel) for its imagery. You may be able to select an image resolution higher or lower than this original data source resolution. Increasing the image resolution here cannot give you better image detail over the original data source. By requesting a higher resolution than the original data source, the image is simply larger in size and in the number of pixels. The server returns the requested image in the requested size. There is no way to know what the original data resolution is for each individual server.



The Log section displays the tiles that have previously been downloaded in the current session.


OK, Cancel and Help

Once all of the options are set, click OK to download the image. Click Cancel to cancel the download and return to the Didger project. Click Help to open the help file.


If the OK button is not available, the layer is not selected. Go back to the Select Data Source section and select a specific layer, not a server name.


Server Responsiveness

Note: Download speeds will vary, depending on the server selected. Some servers may become unresponsive. These data sources are on external servers which are out of Golden Software's control. If one server is unresponsive or slow to download, you may wish to select a different server.



See Also

Image Menu Commands

Adding WMS Servers
