Right-click in the open white space in the Download Online Maps dialog to open the Add Data Source dialog. This dialog allows new web servers to be added to the list in the Download Online Maps.
Type a name and the website location to add the data source.
In the Name section, type the name of the server. This is the name that is listed in the Download Online Maps dialog, so the name can be as descriptive as desired.
Select the Type from the list. Available types are currently limited to WMS: Web Map Service.
In the URL section, type the full internet location of the web mapping service. The address must contain the http:// and the www before the location. Sites with https:// or sites that redirect to SSL servers are not currently supported. Didger currently only supports WMS (web map service) servers.
Click Next to test the URL location. The program initiates communication with the server. If the communication is successful, an Initial Test Success message appears. The dialog will contain information, such as name, title, and location, for the new server. Click Finish to return to the Download Online Maps dialog.
If the program cannot communicate with the server, an Initial Test Failed message appears. The program is unable to connect to the server. There are a variety of reasons this could happen. The web server URL could have changed or could be input incorrectly, the web server is temporarily down, a firewall or virus scanner is preventing the program from connecting to the server, or an internet connection cannot be established.
Click Back to return to the previous page, allowing the Name, Type, or URL to be re-edited.
Click Cancel to return to the Download Online Maps dialog, without making any changes. Click Finish to return to the Download Online Maps dialog, making any changes to the Name, Type, or URL in the dialog.
Click Help to open the online help file with information about the open dialog.
See Also