Click the Map | Project Limits command or click the button to define the extent and scale of the active project area.
Set the project extents and the size of the
project in the Project Limits and Scale dialog.
Project limits define the project area extents within Didger. Project limits are based on calibration point limits, the imported coordinate limits, or the relative screen coordinates if you have not calibrated the current project. There may be times when your calibration points are not along the outside of the project area, or you are calibrating a document that is larger than your digitizing tablet. Under these conditions, you can set the project limits to match the limits of your document and not the limits implied by the calibration points.
Changing the project limits is also useful when you want to concentrate on a particular area of your project because you can adjust the limits to show only the area of interest. Changing the project limits retains the integrity of all digitized data. When you digitize objects outside the project limits, the object position is still registered properly within the project, even if they do not appear on the screen.
The X Axis Minimum and X Axis Maximum values define the project limits in the X dimension. The Y Axis Minimum and Y Axis Maximum values define the project limits in the Y dimension. To change any of these values, highlight the existing value and type the new value.
The numbers in the Specify Project Limits group appear in the project display units. The units used in the limits are indicated next to the Specify Project Limits option name. In the image above, the limits are set in latitude and longitude.
Click the Lat/Long button to open the Specify Lat/Long Limits dialog, where you can set the limits in latitude and longitude coordinates, regardless of the display units. To set the display units, click the Tools | Project Settings command. The display units are controlled by the Length and Area boxes on the General page.
In most cases, the project limits are controlled by either the calibration points or the project extents. To set the limits to either of these options, check the box next to the Set limits based upon and then click the down arrow next to either Project Extents or Calibration.
The project limits are automatically set to be ten percent larger than the limits defined by your calibrated points. As an example, if your calibration points in one dimension ranged from 0 to 100, the default project limits would span a range of 110 units in that dimension, from -5 to 105. The Set limits based upon check box activates automatic project scaling based on the Calibration points or the Project Extents. The Calibration option sets the project extents to the calibrated coordinates. If the project has not been calibrated, the Calibration option is unavailable. The Project Extents option sets the extents to the entire project.
Before setting project limits, objects can lie outside the default project limits.
You can reset the project limits so all objects can be seen. The project
limits have been redefined for this project so the entire polygon is seen.
The Project Limits and Scale dialog also allows you to set the scale of your project. The X and Y axis scaling is useful to re-scale the overall size of a project for printing on various sizes of paper. The X Axis Scaling and Y Axis Scaling sections specify the scale along the indicated axis. Each axis direction can be scaled independently.
The 1" = __ Map Units option sets the number of map units per page unit in the associated dimension. For example, to draw a map at a scale of 1000 map units per inch, type the value 1000 into the box. The Length (page units) value is automatically updated to reflect the change. For example, if the map is 8000 units in the dimension you are setting, the map is 8 inches long in that dimension.
The units for the Map Units are in project display units. The units are indicated after the Map Units text.
The Length option sets the length of the map in the X and Y dimension. When the Length value is changed, the 1" = __ Map Units box is automatically updated to reflect the change. The units for the Length are in page units (either inches or centimeters).
The Set Proportional XY Scaling check box forces the X and Y dimensions to be scaled equally. When the box is checked and you make a change to the X or Y dimension, the other dimension is scaled the same amount. The same number of page units are applied to both the X and Y dimensions. If you want to scale the dimensions differently, uncheck the box next to the Set Proportional XY Scaling.
Check the box next to the Preserve Project Limits During Import option to maintain the current limits and scale settings from the Project Limits and Scale dialog when importing additional files into the active Didger project.
When the Preserve Project Limits During Import option is unchecked, importing an image, vector file, or data file automatically changes the limits for the entire project so that all objects are displayed.
Check the box next to the Clip Map Objects During Export option to clip all objects outside the currently specified project limits when exporting the project. When this option is not checked, the entire project is exported. Check this box to only export the clipped objects when exporting a file.
Click OK to apply the scale and limit values to the project. The dialog closes and the project limits and size automatically update. Click Cancel to return to the project window without changing either the scale or limits.
See Also