Click the Tools | Project Settings command or click the button to open the Project Settings dialog. The Tolerance Settings page controls the creation of polylines and polygons as well as playing an important role with some editing tools.
Set the snap and vertex tolerance for line and symbol creation on the
Tolerance Settings page in the Project Settings dialog.
When you calibrate a project, the tolerance settings are defined by the RMS error value in RMS Calibration Settings. The Snap Tolerance is set to the nearest value of the RMS error. The Vertex (Weed) Tolerance is set to the nearest value that is one-half the RMS error. You can change either of the values by typing a new value into the edit box. The values are in project units.
When you create a new polyline, the Snap Tolerance edit box specifies the minimum distance allowed between nodes for the existing and new polylines. The value is specified in project units.
The Snap Tolerance is set through Tools |
Project Settings | Tolerance Settings.
The Snap Tolerance is shown as circles
at the ends of the polylines.
The Vertex (Weed) Tolerance edit box sets the minimum spacing for vertices along a polygon or polyline. The values are specified in project units. The value defines the minimum segment length for a polyline or polygon. No two adjacent vertices along the object can be closer together than the specified length, but they can be farther apart.
If the Auto Snap Nodes check box is activated, and the beginning or ending node of a new polyline lies at less than the Snap Tolerance distance from an existing polyline, the node is automatically joined to the existing polyline when you finish digitizing the new polyline.
Nodes are the beginning and ending points of a polyline. The polyline nodes are displayed as green (beginning) and red (ending) boxes when the Show Line Nodes box is checked. Showing nodes is useful when you need to ID left and right sides of a polyline.
When Show Vertex Tolerance Circles is checked, a circle is drawn around each vertex. The radius of the circle reflects the Vertex (Weed) Tolerance value. If the Vertex (Weed) Tolerance value is set to zero, you will not see any circles. The color of the circles is set by selecting a color from the list adjacent to the Vertex (Weed) Tolerance value. Showing vertex tolerance circles is useful when using commands such as Thin and Smooth.
The minimum spacing between vertices is shown as circles if Show Vertex
Tolerance Circles is checked in Tools | Project Settings | Tolerance Settings.
When Show Snap Tolerance Circles is checked, a circle is drawn around the end of each polyline. The radius of the circle is set in the Snap Tolerance field. If the Snap Tolerance value is set to zero, you will not see any circles. The color of the circles is set by selecting a color from the list adjacent to the Snap Tolerance value. This command is useful when using commands such as Snap All Polyline Segments.
Since the end nodes are not within the overlapping portion
of the snap tolerance circles, the polylines would not snap
together using Draw | Edit Boundaries | Snap All Polyline Segments.
See Also