Excel XLS, XLSX, and XLSM Files

Didger imports .XLS, .XLSX, and .XLSM Excel files. Didger exports .XLS and .XLSX Excel files.


Excel .XLS

Excel .XLS files are Microsoft Excel documents. Worksheet cell data and some cell formatting are retained with this format. Other types of information, such as formulas, are ignored.


Excel .XLS format files can preserve all formatting information available in the Golden Software worksheet. This format has a 65,536-row limit and a 256-column limit in Excel 97 and greater. Therefore, this format cannot be used to store very large data sets.


Excel .XLSX

Excel .XLSX files are Microsoft Excel 2007 XML spreadsheets. Use File | Import to load a .XLSX file in the worksheet. Click File | Export to save a file to an .XLSX format. Excel .XLSX format files can preserve all formatting information available in the Golden Software worksheet.


Excel .XLSM

Excel .XLSM files are Microsoft Excel 2007/2010 XML spreadsheets. XLSM files can contain macros and VBA scripts. Worksheet cell data and some cell formatting are retained with this format. Other types of information, such as formulas, are ignored.


Excel .XLSM format files are not saved in Didger.


Special Characters Used in Excel Files

There are a number of special characters that can be contained in an Excel file that the worksheet cannot handle in the same way as Excel. For these characters, Didger substitutes a reasonable representation so the value displayed in the cell will look similar to what was displayed in Excel.


Import Options Dialog

See Excel XLS Import Options Dialog and Excel XLSX Import Options Dialog


Export Options

See Excel Export Options Dialog.



See Also

File Format Chart

Opening Worksheet Files

Special XLS Characters