Item Properties

The Item Properties section of the Property Manager displays information about the selected object in the current project depending on the object type.



Item Properties by object type:





This row displays the layer on which the object exists. You can also move objects to other layers through the Property Manager.


This row allows you to display the visibility of an object type. Select  True to make the object visible. Select False to make the object not visible.


This row displays the length of a polyline or the perimeter length of a polygon. The units of the length measurement are set during calibration or in Tools | Project Settings | General.

Point Count

This row displays the number of vertices in a polygon or polyline.


This row displays the area of a polygon. The units of the area calculation are set during calibration or in Tools | Project Settings | General. Area is not reported when the project is in the Unprojected Lat/Long projection.


This row displays the direction of the polygon vertices. Reverse is counterclockwise and Forward is clockwise. Polygon direction can be reversed with Draw | Reverse Direction.

Image Width

This row displays the image width in pixels.

Image Height

This row displays the image height in pixels.

Color Format

This row displays the current color format of the current image.


This row displays whether the image is geo-referenced. A True is displayed if the image is geo-referenced. A False is displayed if the image is not geo-referenced.

Clipped Image

This row displays whether the image has been clipped. A True is displayed if the image was clipped. A False is displayed if the image was not clipped.

File Name

This row displays the complete directory path and file name of the image.



See Also

Object Properties