Project Settings - General Page

Click the Tools | Project Settings command or click the button to open the Project Settings dialog. The General page sets miscellaneous Didger defaults.


Set miscellaneous project options on the

General page of the Project Settings dialog.


Page Units

You can set the Page Units to either Inches or Centimeters.


Numeric Display Format

Set the Numeric Display Format from zero to 25 decimal places. This setting affects the number of decimal places in various parts of the program such as the number of decimal places shown in the status bar, in calibration, and in numeric labels. To change the value, highlight the existing value and type a new value. Alternatively, click the to increase or decrease the value.


Circle Options

The Circle Options define how circles are digitized.


Undo Levels

You can set the number of commands to undo in the Undo Levels edit box. The maximum number of undo levels is 25. To change the undo levels, highlight the existing value and type a new value. Alternatively, click the to increase or decrease the value.


Calculated Display Units

The Calculated Display Units for Length and Area control the display units of the area and length calculations shown in the Data Manager, the Property Manager, and in the report.


Image Export Options

Check the box next to Export in Display Coordinates to export an image in the display coordinates of the current project.


Check For Updates

An update is a free newer version of the program. Updates include corrections to problems that have been found. Check the Allow check for updates box to allow Golden Software to periodically check for program updates. Additionally, if a crash occurs while the program is running, a check for update will occur the next time the program is started.


Check For Announcements

An announcement is a message from Golden Software regarding changes made to Didger. It is highly recommend that you have the Allow check for announcements option checked. No information is transferred to Golden Software with this option.



See Also

Tolerance Settings

Tablet Settings

Line Properties

Fill Properties

Text Properties

Symbol Properties