This tutorial is designed to introduce you to some of Didger's features. After you have completed the tutorial, you should be able to begin to use Didger with your own data, creating and editing your own objects, and importing vector and image files. We strongly encourage completion of the tutorial before proceeding with Didger. The lessons should be completed in order; however, they do not need to be completed in one session. The tutorial should take approximately one hour to complete.
The following is an overview of lessons included in the tutorial.
Starting Didger shows you how to begin a new Didger session and open a new plot window.
Lesson 1 - Tablet Calibration calibrates a map on a digitizing tablet.
Lesson 2 - Image Calibration calibrates a map that is imported from an image file.
Lesson 3 - Creating and Editing Objects draws and edits various drawing objects.
Lesson 4 - Converting Coordinates demonstrates how to convert all coordinates in a project at once.
Lesson 5 - Assigning and Changing the Projection assigns a map projection to a project and changes the coordinate system.
Lesson 6 - Downloading Online Maps steps through downloading a map fro a web map server.
Lesson 7 - Vectorizing an Image opens an existing file that contains an image and automatically converts the image to polylines.
Lesson 8 - Saving and Exporting Data shows how to save your Didger project and export data for use in other programs.
Lesson 9 - Digitizing Objects with Shared Borders shows how to draw polylines and use a single polyline for multiple polygons.
The lessons should be completed in order; however, they do not need to be completed in one session.
Various font styles are used throughout the Didger quick start guide and online help. Bold text indicates menu commands, dialog names, and page names. Italic text indicates items within a dialog such as group box names, options, and field names. For example, the Import dialog contains a Look in list. Bold and italic text may occasionally be used for emphasis.
Also, menu commands appear as Draw | Text. This means, "click on the Draw menu at the top of the plot window and then click on Text within the Draw menu list." The first word is always the menu name, followed by the commands within the menu list.
Each topic contains several links to other topics.
Click on the link for an in-depth discussion on the subject. Use the button to return to the tutorial topic.
If you are using the demo version of Didger, you will not be able to complete some of the steps due to disabled features. When this is a factor it is noted in the text and you are directed to proceed to the next step that can be accomplished with the demo.
Next to Starting Didger