Getting Base Information into Didger

There are several ways to get base information into Didger, depending on the type of information you have and the type of hardware you own. Base information can include paper reference maps, paper graphs, images, vector files (such as .DXF), an aerial photograph, a Mylar map, data files, etc.


Paper Documents

If you have a paper document, such as a field map or a well log, you can digitize this information with a digitizing tablet. If you scan a paper document into other software to create an image, import the image into Didger using the File | Import command.


Image Files

If you have an image file, such as a .TIF or .BMP, you can import it into Didger with the File | Import command. The image file can be imported into Didger whether it is georeferenced or not. If the file does not have georeferencing information, you can assign the georeferencing information to it when you import the file.


Data Files

If you have a data file containing XY coordinates and additional information such as IDs, elevation, etc. you can import the file into Didger with the File | Import command.


Vector Files

If you have a vector file, such as a .DXF or .SHP, the file can be imported into Didger with the File | Import command.


See Also

Supported File Formats