Google Earth Keyhole Markup .KML and. KMZ File Description

Didger can export .KML and .KMZ files.


.KML and .KMZ files are imported into Google Earth to display information, such as contour maps or point locations, on Google Earth maps. Both .KML and .KMZ files contain the same information. The difference is that  .KMZ files are compressed versions of .KML files. When exporting to .KML or .KMZ files, images are exported to the same directory specified by the Export dialog.


Coordinate System

.KML and .KMZ files require that the all coordinates be in latitude and longitude degrees. The coordinate system should be changed to a lat/long projection, such as WGS84. The program does this conversion internally. No change is needed to the defined coordinate system.



The first and second attributes for polyline, polygon, and symbol objects are automatically exported to all .KML and .KMZ files.


Import Options Dialog

Didger does not currently import .KML or .KMZ files.


Export Options Dialog

See KML Export Options Dialog



See Also

File Format Chart

Google Earth Export Options Dialog