GPS exchange files, .GPX files, are created from GPS devices.
The .GPX files can contain way points, routes, and tracks.
Way points describe an unrelated group of points. For instance, this can be a collection of place names. Each way point is imported and displayed as the default symbol.
Routes are a series of connected way points. Typically a route is a plan on where to go. Routes are imported and displayed as polylines. One point routes are imported and displayed as the default symbol.
Tracks are a series of connected way points. A track is where the device has actually been. Tracks are imported and displayed as polylines. One point tracks are imported and displayed as the default symbol.
Way point, route, and track names are imported for each object.
.GPX files are always in World Geodetic System 1984.
No import options dialog is displayed.
Didger does not currently export this file type.
See Also