Specify Project Limits and Scale

This is the final step in the Tablet Calibration Wizard process. Use the Specify Project Limits and Scale dialog to set the project extents and to set the project scale. You can also set the project limits and scale after calibration by clicking the Map | Project Limits command.


Set the project limits and scaling of the map area in the Specify Project Limits and Scale dialog.


Specify Project Limits

The X Axis Minimum and X Axis Maximum values define the project limits in the X direction. To change the values, highlight the existing value and type a new value.


The Y Axis Minimum and Y Axis Maximum values define the project limits in the Y dimension. To change the values, highlight the existing value and type a new value.


If your project is projected in anything other than Unprojected Lat/Long, the numbers in the Specify Project Limits group appear in meters. Click the Lat/Long button to set the limits in latitude/longitude coordinates.


Set Limits Based Upon

The project limits are automatically set to be ten percent larger than the limits defined by your calibrated points. As an example, if your calibration points in one dimension ranged from 0 to 100, the default project limits would span a range of 110 units in that dimension, from -5 to 105. The Set limits based upon check box activates automatic project scaling based on the Calibration points or the Project Extents. The Calibration option sets the project extents to the calibrated coordinates. The Project Extents option sets the extents to the entire project.


X and Y Axis Scaling

The Project Limits and Scale dialog also allows you to set the scale of your project. The X and Y axis scaling is useful to re-scale the overall size of a project for printing on various sizes of paper.  


The X Axis Scaling and Y Axis Scaling sections specify the scaling along the specified axes. If the project is in anything other than unprojected lat/long, the numbers to enter for Map Units must be in meters.


The 1.0 in (cm) = __ Map Units edit box specifies the number of units per inch or centimeter in the specified dimension. For example, if you want your project to be drawn at a scale of 1000 units per inch, type the value 1000 into the edit box. The Length value is automatically updated to reflect the change you make. If your project is 8000 units in the dimension you are setting, the project is 8 inches long in that dimension. To change the map unit scaling, highlight the existing value and type a new value.


The Length edit box specifies the length of the project in the specified dimension. When you change the Length value the 1.0 in (cm) = __ Map Units edit box is automatically updated to reflect the change in length. To change the length scaling, highlight the existing value and type a new value. Alternatively, click the to increase or decrease the size of the map.


Set Proportional XY Scaling

The Set Proportional XY Scaling check box forces the X and Y dimensions to be scaled equally. When the box is checked and a change is made to the X or Y dimension, the other dimension is automatically scaled the same amount. The same number of units per inch are applied to both the X and Y dimensions. If the dimensions should be scaled differently, uncheck the box before setting the values.



Click Finish to end the tablet calibration wizard. Once the dialog closes, objects can be digitized with the puck and the Draw menu commands.



See Also

Tablet Calibration Wizard

Calibrating Large Documents

Selecting Calibration Points

RMS Error