Plot windows are the workspaces for creating and modifying projects. When you first start Didger, you are presented with an empty plot window. During a Didger session, new plot windows are created with the File | New command.
Contains commands for opening and saving project files, importing and exporting files, and printing projects |
Contains clipboard commands, and miscellaneous editing commands |
Controls the display of toolbars, status bar, and managers, resets window positions, and controls the zoom level of the plot |
Contains commands for drawing objects, editing boundaries, and tablet calibration |
Contains commands to arrange, order, and rotate objects |
Contains commands for downloading and manipulating images |
Contains commands for exporting maps to Surfer, coordinate conversion, setting the projection, displaying graticules and grids, and creating reports |
Contains commands to set the Windows appearance and project settings |
Controls the display of the windows |
Provides access to help topics |
The Application/Document Control menu commands control the size and position of the plot window.
See Also