Bounding Box

An object is selected if there is a bounding box surrounding the object. The selected object appears with red dots drawn on it. The number of selected objects appears in the status bar, and the object is highlighted in the Data Manager.

A bounding box surrounds the selected

object. The selected object is also indicated

with red dots. This is useful when selecting

multiple objects or when objects have

overlapping bounding boxes.


Object selection is based on an object's bounding box. The bounding box is defined by the smallest unrotated rectangle that fully surrounds the object. To select an object, the pointer must be within the object’s bounding box.


Bounding boxes are invisible. When an object is selected, the selection rectangle indicates the bounding box limits. Also, when an object is moved or resized, the bounding box is indicated with a dashed line.


When the pointer is in a window region occupied by two or more bounding boxes, the topmost object is the selected object. You can change the order in which objects are drawn using the Arrange | Order Objects commands, giving you some control in object selection.


See Also

Arrange Menu Commands