The .LAS Log ASCII Standard file format is a format widely used to exchange well log data. Originally .LAS was designed around a collection of file “sections”. Each section begins with a title line, marked with a tilde (“~”) at the beginning of the line. Sections for well structure, parameter information, and actual parameter data are included in most .LAS files. Didger currently imports version 1.2, 2.x, and most 3.x .LAS files. The .LAS file format was developed by the Canadian Well Logging Society to exchange well log data.
Didger imports and exports .LAS files. When importing .LAS files, Didger recognizes the NULL value in the Well Information Section in the header. These values are not imported.
In Didger, the File | Export command exports a polyline in the .LAS file format. In the LAS Export dialog, you can use the Curve Info page to specify the information for the resampled polyline. If you would like to describe the well, fill in the information on the Well Info page.
No import options dialog is displayed. All available logs are imported.
See Also