Click the Custom button at the bottom of the line Style palette to open the Custom Line dialog and create new simple line styles. You can add line styles to the palette, remove line styles from the palette, or replace existing line styles in the palette.
Set the Dashes and Spaces in the Custom Line dialog.
The Dashes and Spaces boxes determine the pattern of the custom line. As an example, refer to the Dash Dot line style.
The first dash is 0.200 inches, so 0.200 is entered into the first Dashes box. This is followed by an equal length space of 0.200 inches. Enter 0.200 in the first Spaces box. The "dot" is a line dash that is 0.030 inches long followed by a space of 0.200 inches. So, 0.030 is entered into the second Dashes box and 0.200 is entered into the second Spaces box. The pattern repeats after the space so no more dash/space definitions are necessary. You can use a combination of five dashes and five spaces to create a new line style.
Click on one of the displayed line styles and the name of the selected line style appears in the Name field. Type a new line style name in the Name field if you are creating a custom style.
The Sample box shows the new line style.
Click the Add to List button to add a new line style to the end of the line style palette. Type the new line style name into the Name field before adding the new line style.
Click the Replace button to replace the selected line style with the modified line style. The previous style is removed.
Click the Remove From List button to delete the selected line style.
The line style palette on the right side of the dialog shows all line styles. To move a line in the palette to a new location, click on the line and drag it to a new location. Changing the location in this dialog will change the order that lines appear in the line palette.
Click OK to make the change. You are prompted with a dialog confirming changes.
If you click Yes, the change is permanently made to your line palette. The next time you open Didger, this new line style will be shown. If you click No, the change is only made to the current Didger session. When you close Didger, the custom line style is lost.
Click Cancel to close the Custom Line dialog without making any changes.
See Also