Print Setup

Click the File | Print Setup command or the button to set printer options for the project. The Print Setup dialog appears, where the printer, paper size, paper source, and page orientation options can be set.


Set the printer properties in the Print Setup dialog.



Click the existing printer Name to select another printer from the list.


Printer Properties

Click the Properties button to open another dialog that changes the printer properties. For information on specific printer settings, see the owner's manual for the printer.



The Paper section control the Size and Source of the paper. These options are based on the selected printer. Only page sizes and sources that the current printer supports will be listed. To change either the Size or Source, click the existing option. In the list, select the new option.



The Orientation section controls whether the page is set to Portrait or Landscape mode. To change the Orientation, click on the desired layout. Select Portrait to have a vertical page. Select Landscape to have a horizontal page.




See Also


File Menu Commands