Click the File | Open command, click the button, or press CTRL+O on the keyboard to open an existing Didger .PJT project. Only one Didger project file can be open at a time.
If you have been working on a project, after clicking the File | Open command a prompt appears asking if you want to save the current changes. Click Yes to save the changes, No to clear the window without saving the changes, or Cancel to return to the current project.
If the newly opened project was created with a tablet, the original calibration points are recalled. The project should be recalibrated after opening it, even if the document has not moved on the tablet. You must use the Draw | Tablet | Tablet Calibration command before you can activate the tablet.
If you are sure the document has not moved, you can accept all the settings and click through the calibration to Finish. Then you can activate the tablet and proceed with digitizing more objects on the document.
If you have moved the document or if you are not sure if the document has moved, re-digitize the calibration points.
Click the File | Open command to display the Open dialog.
Click the desired file to open in the Open dialog.
The Look in field shows the current directory. Click the down arrow to see the directory structure and click on the folders to change directories.
The buttons to the right of the Look in field allow you to create new folders and change the view of the file list.
The file list displays files in the current directory. The current directory is listed in the Look in field. The Files of type field controls the display of the file list. Only Didger .PJT files can be opened using the File | Open command.
The File name field shows the name of the selected file, or type a path and file name into the box to open a file.
The Files of type field shows the file format to be opened. To change the file format, click the down arrow and select the file type from the list. All Files (*.*) display all files in a directory. The All Files option shows all of the file formats even if the file type is not appropriate for the action chosen. All Recognized Types (*.pjt) displays all project files in the directory.
See Also