Wrapped Polyline
The Draw | Wrapped Polyline command is used to create a wrapped polyline, a common function in well log digitizing. This allows logs to be digitized with multiple scales when logs have curves off scale. Once the polyline creation is complete, the program automatically constructs the curve segments into a single polyline.
To draw a wrapped polyline:
Click the Draw | Wrapped Polyline command to begin drawing a wrapped polyline.
The Construct Wrapped Polyline dialog appears. Set the Minimum Value, Maximum Value, Wrapping Scale, and the Un-Wrap Along Y Axis options and click OK.
The cursor changes to a cross hair cursor to indicate drawing mode.
Enter any information about the polyline, such as the ID, in the Property Manager.
Move the cursor over the location for the start of the polyline and click the left mouse button.
Move the cursor to the next position along the line and click again.
When the line goes off scale, press the F4 key on the keyboard.
Move the cursor to the off scale position and click again.
When the line returns to the regular scale, press the SHIFT+F4 keys on the keyboard to return to the regular scale.
Move the cursor to the next position along the line and click again.
Continue this procedure until you click at the final point for the line. Press the ENTER key.
To end drawing mode, click on another tool button or press the ESC key on your keyboard.
The Construct Wrapped Polyline dialog appears after clicking the Draw | Wrapped Polyline command.
Set the wrapping options in the Construct Wrapped Polyline dialog.
The Wrap Limits section controls the Minimum Value and Maximum Value of the curve. To change the Minimum Value or Maximum Value, highlight the existing value and type a new value.
The Wrapping Scale option controls the number of scales displayed on the log. The default value is 1. When a log wraps more than once around the log, Didger allows you to enter that number as the Wrapping Scale. To change the Wrapping Scale, highlight the existing value and type a new value.
The Un-Wrap Along Y Axis option controls whether the graph is oriented in the Y direction. If the polyline is vertical in orientation, leave the box unchecked. For a horizontal polyline, check this box.
The above figure represents a well log with curves off scale.
In this instance, the Minimum Value is 30 and the Maximum
Value is 130. The Wrapping Scale is 1. The scale is along
the X Axis, so the Un-Wrap Along Y Axis is unchecked.
See Also