Map Coordinate System Overview

In Didger, data from data files, grids, image files, and vector files can have an associated coordinate system. All coordinate systems defined by the source are converted "on the fly" to the project's target coordinate system. This allows files with different coordinate systems to be easily combined in Didger.


The standard procedure for creating maps in a specific coordinate system are:

  1. Create the map by importing the file.
  2. Click the Map | Set Default Projection command to set the target coordinate system.

Didger does not require a map projection be defined. Maps can be created from non-referenced data, grid, and imported image and vector maps. If you do not specify a coordinate system for each imported file, it is highly recommended that you do not change the target coordinate system for the project. Changes to the target coordinate system for the map can cause the unreferenced map layers to appear incorrectly.


See Also

What is a Coordinate System

What is a Map Projections