Status Bar

Click View | Status Bar command to show or hide the status bar. A check mark next to Status Bar indicates that the status bar is displayed. The status bar displays information about the current command or activity in Didger.


Status Bar Sections

The status bar is divided into four sections. Click each section in the graphic to display more information about each pane.




The left section displays the number of selected objects or a brief description of menu commands under the cursor. The second section shows the cursor coordinates. The third section displays the current layer name. The right section contains the projection information for the project.


Changing the Display Units in the Status Bar

The status bar displays the X and Y coordinates of the project. You can change the display units (not the stored project coordinates) by clicking View | Toolbars/Managers | Coordinate Manager and select from the Display Units list. For example, you can change a project's display units from latitude/longitude to feet.



See Also

View Menu Commands

Coordinate Manager